
Upper Mustang

Upper Mustang Trek to hidden paradise of Mustang is fabulous tour that visitors experience ever best holiday trip in their life in Nepal. Upper Mustang; described as a mystique valley and the last forbidden kingdom in Nepal was just opened for foreigners in 1992. Trek to Mustang allows the travelers to witness heavenly beautiful Trans-Himalaya landscape, ancient Tibetan Buddhist shrines such as Stupas, Chhortens, Kaanis, Prayers walls, centuries old monasteries and interact with Tibetan like people makes the trip most lifetime memorable. Upper Mustang, also known as a ‘Mini Tibet of Nepal’ and a very well-liked trekking in Nepal, has been described as “Mountain Desert”. The trekking tour to Lo Manthang- isolated region is a incredibly satisfying one for those who want to experience the hospitality and warmth of the locals living in this remote region.

Nepal Government Department of Immigration started to issue only a small number of special trekking permits since 1992. Before 1992 the region was banned to visit for foreign travelers. Upper Mustang is a perfect destination where generous scope is offered for visiting Buddhists Monasteries. This semi autonomous and heavily Tibetan influenced region was described by Tillman as fascinatingly ugly country, the more fascinating for being so little known” indeed, the trek to Lo Manthang is through an almost treeless barren landscape, a steep rocky trail up and down hill, mind-blowing panorama of Nilgiri, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri and several others peaks make your trek spectacular with lifetime experience. Trek begins from Jomsom – reachable by a scenic flight and accessible by walk from Ghorepani-Poon Hill-Tatopani-Jomsom and Kali Gandaki Valley trekking route.

Mustang is one of those few places in the planet that has survived a very close-niche life and that region was, until recently, was a forbidden land for outsides till 1992. This loneliness and isolation contributed the people of Mustang to conserve their life style and cultural heritage that remained almost unaffected for centuries. Hidden behind the high Himalaya ranges, Mustang is filled with handsome trekking zones. The high desert rain shadow of Himalayas receives very little rainfall making this region dry and parched, similar to the bordering Tibetan Plateau. The Lo Manthang, capital of Upper Mustang, lies in the remote Himalaya desert behind the Dhaulagiri and Annapurna mountain ranges, is an old traditional Tibetan Village, with rare medieval Buddhist arts and exotic culture. We, Wilderness Excursion offers perfect budget package trips to Mustang in most competitive trip cost and develop tailor made itinerary to meet your time frame for Nepal holiday.